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Lights Back On: Sparking Joy and Health Through Giving

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

Lights Back On: Sparking Joy and Health Through Giving

At Lights Back On, we believe in the profound impact of giving. It's not just about the smile on the receiver's face; it's about the incredible chemical reactions happening within you. Serotonin brings happiness, dopamine fuels pleasure and motivation, and oxytocin deepens connections.

What happens when you give to Lights Back On?

According to Dr. Albers, "Doing things for others makes us more engaged and joyful, benefiting both our health and happiness." Here's why giving is a gift to your own well-being:

Here are a few physical and mental health benefits that are associated with giving and serving others:

Reduced Stress and Anxiety:

Your act of kindness lowers cortisol, the stress hormone, bringing a sense of peace.

Giving to Lights Back On reduces stress and anxiety.

The 'Helper's High':

Selfless service activates your brain's rewards center, releasing endorphins. This 'high' boosts happiness, self-esteem, and fights depression.

Giving to Lights Back On boosts happiness, self-esteem, and fights depression.

Lower Blood Pressure:

Combined with a balanced diet and exercise, giving has been shown to lower blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart-related issues.

Giving to Lights Back On helps to lower your blood pressure.

Gives Longer Lifespan:

Providing help or support to others correlates with a longer, more fulfilling life. (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Giving to Lights Back On helps increase your lifespan.

Building Community:

Acts of charity bring light to darkness, igniting hope and fostering a sense of belonging in any community. (Hebrews 13:16)

Giving to Lights Back On helps build communities.

At Lights Back On, we believe in taking care of our own, whether in our homes, backyards, or the communities we serve. Join us in spreading hope, love, and equality for all. Your support not only transforms lives but also brings positive change to our collective well-being. Together, let's make poverty a thing of the past! #LightsBackOn #GiveForHealth #SpreadHopeAndLove


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