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  • Doggie Crumbs

Ending Homelessness: Unite for Change, Be a Beacon of Hope

Updated: Nov 29, 2023

Have you ever been homeless? Do you know what it feels like to have to choose between buying groceries or paying your bills? Have you ever gone without food or shelter for extended periods of time? Homelessness and food insecurity are no joke.

According to Today's Homeowner, 1.6 billion people are living in inadequate housing conditions worldwide. In America, 582,462 individuals are experiencing homelessness. In Georgia, over 7,000 people are homeless with more than 2,000 sleeping on the streets.

According to Feeding America, 1,156,660 people are facing hunger, and of them 335,720 are children.

However, each of us possesses the power to change the circumstances of these individuals and families by becoming a catalyst for change and a beacon of hope in a world that sometimes feels dark and uncertain. We want to inspire you to open your hearts and extend a helping hand to those who need it most.

Your support, whether it's through a donation, sharing this video, or simply spreading awareness, can transform lives. Together, we can provide shelter to the homeless, nourishment to the hungry, education to the underprivileged, and hope to those who have lost their way to help end homelessness..

By joining forces, we can create a future where compassion reigns supreme, where no one is left behind, and where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

Remember, change starts with you. Together, let's make a difference and build a world filled with love, understanding, and unwavering support.

For more information about Lights Back On, Inc. go to: or email

Thank you in advance for your time, help, support, and consideration. God bless you!


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